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Customise your AI Companion

Imagine an AI companion which adapts to your writing style, to your tone and to your audience. Wouldn't that make writing so much easier and more efficient?
Imagine Zeno being able to understand your writing history and adjust itself to be your virtual twin accordingly.

What you need to do in 2 simple steps.

1) Collect your past articles, posts or other forms of written communication you are proud of and which are the best reflection of your writing style. Remember that high quality input results in high quality creation.
2) Upload your text collection in the below text boxes. We ideally need 2000 words of material to analyse and customise Zeno to adapt to you.

Text Example #1

Text Example #2

Text Example #3


The information you are providing will be used to customise your own virtual writing twin reflecting your writing style, tone and audience focus.

By submitting this form you agree that we use and process this information.